Mara Powell
502-895-8167 *122

Statement by Dr. Terry Brooks, executive director of Kentucky Youth Advocates

Oral health is essential to the overall health and well-being of children and their families. That is why we at Kentucky Youth Advocates are glad to see the Bevin Administration’s commitment to restore dental, vision, and non-emergency transportation benefits that are essential to Kentuckians’ health. Though children, pregnant women, and former foster youth up to age 26 were protected from cost sharing requirements and reduced benefit packages, we had concerns about unintentional consequences to children’s coverage.

Parents must be healthy to provide for their families and care for their children. And, there is an undeniable linkage between parental health coverage and that of their children. Minimizing barriers to coverage and promoting access to services for parents is an undeniably vital component to ensuring children do not lose their coverage, even if children’s eligibility and benefits do not directly change.

We are hopeful that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services continues on-going communication that is clear for families to understand, participate in, and utilize.