This spring, the Kinship Families Coalition of Kentucky will host listening sessions across the nine Department for Community Based Services regions with our co-hosts from the Kentucky Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Network. The importance of these sessions cannot be overstated. Kinship care is when a relative or close family friend steps in to care for a child when the parents are unable to do so.  This is a noble but often challenging commitment.

That’s why the focus of these sessions will be to hear from caregivers and service providers about the unique challenges and experiences that they face daily. The information provided will then be compiled  to create an accessible online database of resources, a critical step toward providing comprehensive support to families.

By gathering insights from kinship caregivers and service providers across the Commonwealth, the database can be tailored to meet the varied and specific needs of these families, ensuring they have access to the assistance they require.

Get Involved: 

The Kinship Caregiver Listening Sessions are an essential part of a project supported by Kentucky Youth Advocates and Casey Family Programs.

Stay tuned for updates with dates and times for the Kinship Families Coalition of Kentucky listening sessions at

See you on the road!