KYA kid.jpgWhen I tell people I work at a child advocacy organization, they often want to know more about what Kentucky Youth Advocates does. I explain that we want every Kentucky child to have the opportunity to succeed no matter where they were born or what family situation they are in. I explain that we work hard to ensure our elected leaders make policy decisions that are good for kids and families. And, I also explain what it means to be a child advocate. The truth is everyone – including you – can be a child advocate by taking a few simple actions:

  1. Register and vote.
  2. Know your own local, state, and national representatives.
  3. Know your issue(s) well and call, write letters, and visit your elected officials to communicate your concerns.
  4. Tell your story.  Make sure your information is accurate, specific.  Give your contact information in case there is a need for follow-up.
  5. Support organizations such as Kentucky Youth Advocates that work to support your issue(s).
  6. Stay informed so that you can multiply your efforts.
  7. Educate and involve others in your cause by talking to your neighbors and friends or writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
  8. Be willing to compromise, but hold elected officials accountable.
  9. Build relationships. Stay in touch with your representatives all the time– not just during the legislative session.
  10. View our current ways to act and take action for children in Kentucky today.

If you want to know more about how to set up a meeting with your legislator or how to find out who your elected officials are, check out our FAQs for Advocates here.

Yes, my job is to be a child advocate. But I hope you will also become a child advocate whether you are paid to be one or not. I hope you will get involved with Kentucky Youth Advocates to help kids in our state.

All kids deserve to be healthy, live in a safe and loving home, and receive a quality education. Let’s work together to make Kentucky the best place in America to be a kid!